Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2013 Year in Review

I can honestly say with the addition of Facebook and social media like Instagram, etc... That it gets harder and harder to try and keep up with a blog. I mean, all the information that anyone needs is already out there floating around in cyberspace already, right. I look back and read some of my friends blogs, their trials, vacations, kids lives, daily lives and I'm thankful to know so many people even if I'm not actively involved much in their lives anymore. So to keep some people who might be blog lurking my way up to date, I will do a 2013 yearly review.

Crazy awesome photoshoot with by my friend Nathalie and including my awesome mare Zena.

Aidan turned 9! I made him a cake from scratch (Call of Duty Theme), carved out the fondant myself, and he had a bunch of kids from school over to make it a special day!


My son is competing in Wahset! He is doing amazing on my husbands horse Ginger. In this picture he had only been riding for 6 months!!

My High School team made state! We ended up finishing 8th, however they did an awesome job!
Chris and I joined a new drill team. The CC Riders are a lot of fun, we look amazing and we really seem to ride fast! :)


We went to California for a horse competition at Woodside. We also found some time to go to the beach. Can't be work all the time, right?
We took family Photos. Pretty happy with how they turned out.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's My Birthday!!

And man I feel spoiled! I spent the weekend at a judging clinic for drill. When I came home, my wonderful man had Salmon and Scallops waiting for me.

Then on my actual birthday, we had a 9am Championship game in which we won 4-2. Epic!!!!
Nice shirt right?!!! After the game we cheered on some friends at MRC. And then shopping, and oh yeah, another great dinner.
What a great day!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Getting My Beach On!

We were invited to go riding on the beach! A first for us. Seriously a real beach ride!
Sounds cool right. It was! However, it had its drawbacks. Such as... The tide. Evil... In and Out... White Creasty Foam...Tide.
However this scary tide did not detour Ginger, who was a beast! Even when Chris rode her up to a dead whale.
I think my favorite part was watching Chris race down the beach. He was so happy, and smiling the whole time. I however was babysitting Princess Dandy Hooves who was scared to step on the crabs, the seaweed, the sand, the tide, etc....

Chinese Lanterns

Do you see those dots? Yes the two, teeny tiny dots. Chris and I were able to see somebody releasing Chinese Lanterns last night. Was actually a fantastic thing to see. When they were high enough the light would just wink out. Pretty cool and yet at the same time I wondered if the lantern hit the ground with nobody around, would it make a sound? Hmmm....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spring Cleaning

What? It's not spring? September you say? Where the heck has the time gone? I re-read my blog today. Yup, start to finish. What else is there for a gal to do when she sits in a car for two hours while commuting home? I have to say, I'm quite disappointed in myself. Disappointed the I didn't keep writing. Disappointed that I didn't post more. I was quite fascinated by the events I re-read. Yes, that is what happened that year. Why does it seem like time truly travels so fast. I need my life on DVR.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013-01-17 Year In Review

I have been bad, terribly bad, or good maybe. So good that I haven't had time to blog. Is it the addiction of facebook? Maybe the overwhelming soccer games and horseback riding practices I have every week? Or possibly, the countless hours of Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Moms, and other such shows that have sucked me in and made me not post on the blog. I will have to do better. I need to do better. To recap 2012, It was a glorious year. I had 2 boys in Junior High, and one in grade school. My High School Equestrian Team made state! My drill team placed several firsts, seconds, thirds, fifths, etc... Was a really good year. I will attach some of my favorite pictures.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I got a new Camera.

Yup, a Canon EOS 60D. Do I like it? Not sure yet, it's got so many buttons, settings, difficulties, lol! I'm still trying to figure it out. I used it for the first time on Christmas. Here are some of the goods.

The boys.

Aidan with his godparents Karen and Dave




Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Godparents are great!

We spent Christmas Eve with Aidan's godparents. Dave and Karen are such wonderful people. I know that I appreciate any time that he gets to spend with them, and anytime he goes on a special trip whether to the cabin or fishing, he'll talk about the experience even years later. What a great joy to have them in our lives.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Holy cow, it's 2012 already? Where did all the time go? What a busy year. Yes, already! So, to catch up on the last six months, Aidan started 2nd grade, and is doing challenge. Keagan is in 8th grade, Brennon in 9th grade, and they both are attending the same junior high which I'm sure they are not very enthused about. Chris and I are busy working, riding, playing soccer, surviving, did I mention redoing our floor? Yeah, one of those things. Not quite sure what happened, but it involves the complete redo of our flooring in our living room. Lots of changes.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy 15th Anniversary

Tonight Chris and I had one of the best dinners ever! We ate at Pasta Freska, a quaint little restaurant on Westlake Ave in Seattle. The menu.........well, it was something we had to guess for ourselves! The Chef Mike was wonderful, I know we had eggplant parmesan as a starter. Then, next came a salad, while we both drank fresh Strawberry Lemonade with actual chunks of Strawberries floating around. Next came a manicotti with chicken dish for Chris while I had a duck or turkey meatball in mushroom sauce with broccoli inside! After that came the garlic bread and spaghetti, and then tuna and rice for Chris and halibut and rice for me. Then..........yes, more! Giant Alaska Tiger prawns that had been grilled and coated in spices along with a handmade chai iced coffee (yes I had coffee!) with vanilla in it. Another surprise that Mike threw together. Dessert was a sliver of Carrot Cake, a sliver of heavily alcoholed Tiramisu, and two small scoops of sherbert. My goodness, was too much to eat! Fantastic and wonderful! Love ya babe!