Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Surcing what????

Surcingle Definition: a broad band fastened around the body of a horse to hold a rug or pack in place; also can be a training device

I had my first experince of putting a surcingle on Koda today. Let me tell you, there are too many straps and doohickies on the thing that I was confused with its overall purpose. But I have to admit the first day didn't go too bad. We got the thing on and Koda was pretty much nonplussed. So I count the day as good!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Picnic Palooza

Yesterday was our company's annual picnic. The kids were a riot. Brennon did not get to go as he was too busy spending the night at a friend's house. There were so many activities to do and they came home with so many toys and lots of candy. I've included some of my favorite pictures for you guys to see!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spider Bite!

Ugh, so this morning I wake up and have a little red bump on my forearm. It itched and I thought I got bit by a mosquito. After very little prodding (alright, I was scratching that thing like crazy!!!) I noticed it had two dots in the center instead of one. And, when pressed, a little clear fluid came out of both holes! Yuck! Luckily it went down pretty quick, but I still see the two little holes. I'm buying more sonic bug thingies tonight!!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Barn Party

Last weekend we had a huge barn work party. About 7 people showed up. Of course, me being the wonderful person I am, I left the camera at the barn all week long and just got the pictures downloaded today. So, here is a new picture of our wonderful fence along the road!

15 hour weekend

Yes, I worked 15 hours this weekend in AutoCAD, my eyes are crossed, I have a headache, and I swear I'm quoting Shel Silverstein (sp?) poems.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

We Had Peaches!!!!

Our 3 year old tree produced 14 peaches this year! We're talking big peaches!!! We ate most of them. 2 of them had worms already eating out of them, and the spiders confiscated 1.

You Lookin' At Me?!!

The escapades with Grafx continues as this morning I caught him using my bird of paradise plant as a kitty litter box! I gave him a 10 on form before I plucked him from the plant using a mother cat technique!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Computer Virus

Ahhh, the joys of parenthood. Brennon my oldest wonderchild felt the need to get on my computer this past Monday. In between his playing games and general havoc, he downloaded 3 viruses on my computer. How do you ask? When I have one dedicated virus protection software and 3 other that run in the background. No one knows. Brennon has the knack to totally find ways around everything. After 3 days of downloading, cleaning, updating registry keys, etc... We still have 1 adpopper that will not go away. I'm about ready to let that little nuisance go to keep my sanity.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yee Haw!!!

Chris and I attended a party today that had a bull. Even with our injuried hips (Chris hurt his about a week before I hurt mine!!!) We both had quite a bit of fun getting spun off that bull.

I was just going for the hair whip in this shot! :)

Um, yeah, I fell.

Chris actually looked pretty good on that bull!

I think we look cute together!!!

Look at my cowboy!!!

Here I'm kissing the bulls face for being so nice. (Seriously I smacked his head on a spin!)

Look at that awesome karate slap!