Friday, March 28, 2008
30 Minute Abs
My coworkers graciously allowed me to go their weekly ab class. I was excited. Here I've been sitting around all winter generously packing on the 15 pounds of christmas fat (great thought right?!). I was stoked. Of course, I also was in a pair of tight brown jeans, not exactly ab wear. I joked if I split my busting pants, I split them, won't that be a great Friday laugh. We went to the gym, we began with a gracious 25, or was it 50 crunches? We ended up doing a little bit of everything from basic crunches, to side crunches, to leg lift crunches, to table, or was it bench? Mine was a little saggy anyway. We did the superman and then the child's pose (yoga term). I was greatly relieved that nobody was behind me to see my crack with the pink thong. After the class I felt as if I could run 3 miles. I was happy. Of course the abs have yet to come. Maybe they didn't cook long enough.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Past Easter
I know, I'm late, sue me. My kids had a ball this Easter with their presents from Mr. Bunny himself. Although they didn't get much candy, I think the cards and toys made up for it!

Surgical Assistant
I think this is my week. Seriously. In one week, we've had 2 colic scares, and 1 that required stitches. One of the older horses named Bud backed himself into a little itty bitty piece of sheet metal and sliced his back flank open. He cut a swatch about 6 inches long and 2 inches deep. Sliced right through the muscle. Ironically there was hardly any blood at all. It wasn't until the vet shaved the area (he's a hairy guy!) That we actually saw how bad the slice was. It took 5 of us (including the vet) to hold the guy still so she could resew the muscle and sew the flap closed. She did leave a handy, dandy little piece of rubber tubing in though so it could drain properly! *yuck!*
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Colic Scare
For those not familiar with the term, colic is a fancy name for stomach ache in horses. And yesterday when I went to go teach my lessons a horse at the barn (her name is Fancy!) was suffering from it. Colic has many symptoms, laziness, droopy eye, gas, not eating, not pooping, bloated belly, and laying down and rolling. If a horse is in so much pain that he rolls or is constantly down on his side, it's not a good thing. Also a horse with colic can turn from 'okay' to 'fatal' in a span of 5 minutes. As I sat there holding the horses head with a rope that was wrapped around my buttocks (to support the weight of the head) I had so many horrible senarios running through my mind. I did not want to tell the 5 year old owner of this horse that her beloved Fancy might die. I also did not want to see the horse die. After 1-1/2 hours and a mouthful of banamine, Fancy finally shook herself up, walked around, and made one more day at the barn a memory.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Peter Campbell Come On Down
This is the second year that I attended the Peter Campbell clinic! I love his clinics so much. He has so much to offer, and he's hilarious! He makes the wittiest comments in that Canadian accent of his and I have to say I can actually see where he's going with his training. I took a few pictures of the past few days (1 more day to go still) to show you a progress of events.

Here's Guy and his horse Moon. I love that little horse. He was so cute!

Here's a 'between the scenes' shot of the cow action. You see, really far away in the upper left-hand corner is a little brown dog spec. That's actually a cow, and we're suppose to make it run up and down the wall to the right of the picture. That's the theory anyway!!!

Here's Chris taking a break from all the crazy cow action!

Here's me trying to see how um 'straight' I can make Zena hold her neck. (Bad Picture!)

Here's a 'between the scenes' shot of the cow action. You see, really far away in the upper left-hand corner is a little brown dog spec. That's actually a cow, and we're suppose to make it run up and down the wall to the right of the picture. That's the theory anyway!!!
A Horse is a Horse.....

My friend Megan came to visit ALL the way from Illinois! What can I say, we went out dancing (um... okay people watching), then we went to the barn, then the barn the next day, then the barn the next day, then yes again the barn, and finally the barn. On Thursday there was rest. Just Kidding, we had to drive to Olympia to drop off my two mares for the clinic that started on Friday. I had a blast, I hope she did to, we had to drive her to the airport Friday night to catch a midnight airplane ride! I can't wait until she comes out again!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Whirlwind weekend

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I spent my time being professionally chauffered (sp) around from Puyallup to Pouslbo, Puyallup to Cle Elum, and then from Puyallup to Darington to Poulsbo and then back home. The goal was to find a horse for my lesson student Nathalie. We looked at about 5 horses, trying to find the best one that would suit their temperment. I saw some very nice ones with good attitudes, nice ones with bad attitudes, bad ones with worse attitudes, and some that were way to young but in horrible condition! :( It was sad. They ended up buying a little filly that was almost 3. She's a darling and looks to be a great horse!!!
And another great note!!! Chris finally passed his kidney stone!!! Whew!
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