So, there's always something going on at the barn, here's the scoop from last week with a barn cat named Smokey. Smokey went into labor last Saturday. Throughout the weekend we watched her because last summer she had sustained a sizeable hip injury. Sunday night she was looking pretty pathetic and not responsive so she was taken to Tricia’s house for a little TLC. Monday she went to a vet appointment, and was told to wait and see if she’d progress more into labor within the next 24 hours. Tuesday, Smokey started to lose her kittens. Nathalie, Chris and Tricia rushed her to have an emergency C-section on Wednesday morning. None of the 5 kittens survived. The vet stated that if she hadn’t have been brought in, Smokey wouldn’t have made it either. It took a while for Smokey to start to awaken from surgery, I thought Nathalie and I would cry from relief. We immediately made plans to hand her over to Leah for a nice environment to recover in. Thursday and Friday she was at the vets getting fluid pumped into her, making sure that her bladder was responsive and that she was eating and drinking. It is unlikely that she will ever be able to be a barn cat again. This week has been so stressful for her little body. I was sick for two days, it was such an unfortunate situation.