So Chris and I went to 7-11 yesterday, taking a break from the usual work grind. We go in and I grab a mt. dew as it's been a rough day. Chris grabs his usual unhealthy ice tea, and I grab a couple of cookies to go with my healthy drink and think about grabbing a couple of taquitas as well. Being a work day, we're both dressed for success, alright, he's got on the nice black slacks, flashy black dress shirt and tie, and I have on the cow kickers, brown shirt, and once white vest that I'm sure has horse slobber and probably poo on it as well. We're waiting in line to pay when this guy comes in who was clearly either drinking one too many or smoking something considered illegal. He looks over at Chris gets his stuff stands behind him in line and whispers. You look nice.....are you a dealer?
My head spun around so fast I thought I had whiplash. All offended I sarcastically replied "No, he's a TEACHER". The guy starts back-pedalling saying "my bad, my bad, sorry, my bad" hahahaha. What a freakin loon. I suddenly can't stand anymore and I start giggling in line. I know, that's me, the teacher's wife who's suddenly gone giggle girl happy. Of course then I had to wonder if that's why all the kids in school smoke pot?!!!