Sunday, August 23, 2009

Soccer for Three

I signed the boys up for soccer through the South Hill Soccer Club. Really pricey, but hopefully they get everything out of it and more. Brennon's first practice was last Wednesday. It was two hours long, buy the time it was done, I thought he was going to pass out, he was red in the face, but had scored 3 goals and was actually doing a pretty decent fulback. Practices are Mon, Wednesday from 5:30-7:30. Guess what?! Keagans' are Mon, Wednesday from 5:30-7:00. Fun. See what happens when I actually slow down! Aidan will also be starting, and his are on Tuesday and Thursday. Looks like it'll be fun all week!

Live a Little

So, since drill has been on a hiatus, Chris and I have been doing nothing...........really..............nothing. I've never slept in so much, watched so much tv, lounged around so much, discussed girls, skateboards, video games, ate dinner with my kids. Wow! Life is good!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kenny Chesney Concert

Chris and I worked a Kenny Chesney concert for Staff Pro yesterday. Lots of fun, It was a long 12-1/2 hour day, though. It started by us being bag checkers for the entry. You would be amazed at how many people tried to smuggle in knives or alcohol!!! Then, Chris was moved to stage guard where he got put right up in the front of the stage blocking off the fans. There were approximately 35, 000 people in attendance. Might have been a little more. During one of the songs, Kenny actually sat on the stage and hung his leg over about 2-1/2 feet away from Chris and sang a song there. What a freaking lucky guy. Oh, where was I???? Still a cool spot, but not within reach of Kenny!


We met my dad and cousins in California to use a timeshare and to spend a couple of days in Disneyland. Mom could not go as she developed MRSA and was in the hospital until the Sunday that we got back. The kids had a good time, the timeshare was nice, and although I had a rough time in Disneyland, the kids enjoyed the rides and the cool swimming pool made up for the heat. Here are some pics.
Our first day to Disneyland we went to Jedi Training camp where all three of the kids were picked to be jedi knights in training. Aidan was in heaven, even though he had trouble with his lightsaber and he actually dropped it while fighting a real looking Darth Vader.

Alexis talked me into going up on this ride. Okay, I had to hold her hand.
Chris and I on the water ride at California Disney we really enjoyed it, even though Aidan cried throughout the whole thing and then hit his head on the seat, yup, fun.

Love this shot of Alex and Aidan, they were having alot of fun together.

Yup, that's my dad and my nieces, and Keagan smirking in the background. And my friends wonder why I'M WEIRD???
A nicer shot of dad and the my two nieces Alexis and Danielle.