Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's My Birthday!!

And man I feel spoiled! I spent the weekend at a judging clinic for drill. When I came home, my wonderful man had Salmon and Scallops waiting for me.

Then on my actual birthday, we had a 9am Championship game in which we won 4-2. Epic!!!!
Nice shirt right?!!! After the game we cheered on some friends at MRC. And then shopping, and oh yeah, another great dinner.
What a great day!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Getting My Beach On!

We were invited to go riding on the beach! A first for us. Seriously a real beach ride!
Sounds cool right. It was! However, it had its drawbacks. Such as... The tide. Evil... In and Out... White Creasty Foam...Tide.
However this scary tide did not detour Ginger, who was a beast! Even when Chris rode her up to a dead whale.
I think my favorite part was watching Chris race down the beach. He was so happy, and smiling the whole time. I however was babysitting Princess Dandy Hooves who was scared to step on the crabs, the seaweed, the sand, the tide, etc....

Chinese Lanterns

Do you see those dots? Yes the two, teeny tiny dots. Chris and I were able to see somebody releasing Chinese Lanterns last night. Was actually a fantastic thing to see. When they were high enough the light would just wink out. Pretty cool and yet at the same time I wondered if the lantern hit the ground with nobody around, would it make a sound? Hmmm....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spring Cleaning

What? It's not spring? September you say? Where the heck has the time gone? I re-read my blog today. Yup, start to finish. What else is there for a gal to do when she sits in a car for two hours while commuting home? I have to say, I'm quite disappointed in myself. Disappointed the I didn't keep writing. Disappointed that I didn't post more. I was quite fascinated by the events I re-read. Yes, that is what happened that year. Why does it seem like time truly travels so fast. I need my life on DVR.