Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Surcing what????

Surcingle Definition: a broad band fastened around the body of a horse to hold a rug or pack in place; also can be a training device

I had my first experince of putting a surcingle on Koda today. Let me tell you, there are too many straps and doohickies on the thing that I was confused with its overall purpose. But I have to admit the first day didn't go too bad. We got the thing on and Koda was pretty much nonplussed. So I count the day as good!


Anonymous said...

That's a "what are you doing mom?" look he's giving you. I love that look, I get it mostly when I'm lying in the dirt with Posie standing over me wondering how I ended up there.

Tricia said...

haha, too funny,so seriously, when are you coming riding?