Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yee Haw!!!

Chris and I attended a party today that had a bull. Even with our injuried hips (Chris hurt his about a week before I hurt mine!!!) We both had quite a bit of fun getting spun off that bull.

I was just going for the hair whip in this shot! :)

Um, yeah, I fell.

Chris actually looked pretty good on that bull!

I think we look cute together!!!

Look at my cowboy!!!

Here I'm kissing the bulls face for being so nice. (Seriously I smacked his head on a spin!)

Look at that awesome karate slap!


Anonymous said...

That looks like quite the face plant you took there!! LMAO!! Sorry to laugh at your expense. I would have been dying with laughter had I been there. Of course I would have laughed quietly and discreetly. Hehehe!

Tricia said...

That's okay, I was laughing too, you should see my elbows, although how I hurt my elbows I have no idea!!! :)

Anonymous said...


you guys are too much fun!