Can you believe the vet actually said that about our dog. Does she know our dog? Does she know that as soon as you let Dante out of his crate, he barrels into just about anything in his path including the wall, underneath the kitchen table, back out through the chairs, while hurtling kids, cats, dogs, and toys in his path?????Also, they want us to keep a cone on his head. I took pictures of said cone, the whole time feeling horrible because the anesthetic they used caused Dante's eye to swell up and make the other one seem horribly dragged down. And to top it off I was sick today, so sick in fact that to breathe made me hurt. What a day. I did think of that phrase though, as Dante was knocking into everything outside as I was trying to hand walk him to the bathroom. You know one of the ways they decide "where to go" is to actually smell the ground. You think he can smell the ground with that cone on his head. No. I felt like a human pinball machine as he went to sniff the ground, rebounded off of that, bumped into me, back to the ground, to me, etc......

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