Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Retracted Eardrum

The diagnosis is in on why for the past month I've only been partially able to hear from my left ear. Most of the time it disguises the fact that I'm too busy to pay attention! :) So, I'm on medicine, and if it doesn't 'unretract' in an appropriate amount of time (6-8 weeks), then there will be other options available to me. Two mentioned were tubes and steroids?!!! Okay.....


O'rich said...

Go with the steroids. Then you could blame the rage on the roids.

Tricia said...

Nice! After 3 days of them, I think it lightened the mood! haha!

Unknown said...

I have the same issue and have seen 2 ENTs that now have now idea what to do, I am constantly sniffing to clear my left ear. So annoyed that there's no actual cure for this.