Saturday, December 26, 2009
Avatar 3d

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Now I'm succumbing to the lovely after Christmas feast hangover, and just relishing the fact that even though my boys are annoying and I'd like to hear them less, I'm glad that they are active happy and healthy boys. We spent all day setting up laptops, and listening to them fight over legos, video games, and general boy nonsense. Love it all! Can't wait for a little me time though with either Avatar or Sherlock Holmes.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Laundry Floor Redo
Chris and I spent most of thanksgiving ripping up linoleum and getting down on our knees and laying tile. We had some leftover 6x6 from the kitchen, so I just had to find some 12x12 that went with it. After much long and hard looking I decided on a slightly pinkish red tile that was less than $14 a box! (Yup, I went cheap!) I don't think it turned out so bad, but was a long 5 days without the washer/dryer!
Look at the before pic, I think even the camera didn't want to take the picture!

Look at the before pic, I think even the camera didn't want to take the picture!

Chris was an expert gluer!

Look at that tile cutting job!

Chris did a fabulous transition from the hallway to the laundry room!
Now if only I can paint that storm door!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
So Chris and I spent most of the day in our laundry room re-tiling the floor. We use to have laminate, but our wonderful dogs, thought that the laminate looked better shredded by the back door. Hence, we have gone with tile. They better not shred it. We saved money by using some left over 6x6 porcelain tile that is like a neutral tannish color, and I spent $45 on tile on sale at Home Depot. Kinda like a light sunset red. It doesn't look overly garish. We plan on repainting, and I'll post a pic soon!
Thanksgiving dinner was spent at our good friend Nathalie and Hanks house. She had her three kids and my 3 kids and was a great time! Her turkey was fantastic, they loved my yams, and we spendt some time playing *gasp* board games with the kids. They were pretty upset we didn't let them play video games.
Thanksgiving dinner was spent at our good friend Nathalie and Hanks house. She had her three kids and my 3 kids and was a great time! Her turkey was fantastic, they loved my yams, and we spendt some time playing *gasp* board games with the kids. They were pretty upset we didn't let them play video games.
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Moon

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
2009 Fall Soccer Champs
Boo-Yah! That's us, was a really tough season, I'm really glad that we won the final game. We did not have the best season, and was actually shocked that we made it in the finals. The team that we beat had an 8-0 season. I think I was most impressed with the girls this year as we rarely had a sub for any of the games and had to play the whole game, wish it did more for me! LOL!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Roller Skating 2 Nite

We're going skating tonight! We picked up Maranda from The Lawson's and we're going to let her go with us. Chris and I love to skate. We actually got married on skates and still have the skates that we got married in. I know, now we're dating ourselves. We went skating last Friday and I actually got in trouble at the rink for side ways skating, you know, the Fred Flinstone pose, the spread eagle, anyway, it's not allowed at the rink, something about being dangerous. No, roller derby is dangerous, regular skating is well.....normal. Chris however skates anything butt. Call him a four-wheeled figure skater. At least, he used to be in his younger days. However, seems like nothing has changed much, just our age.

OMG! For those of you that haven't seen this movie, don't watch it, it was horrid! I don't know if it was because I could honestly see one of my friends nieces as the little girl, or the fact that what she did was so horrible, but anyway, was not a good movie. I'm grossed out now as I think about it.
Halloween 2009
We were suppose to go skating after the boys went trick or treating. They looked forward to it all day long. Because of it, they did a whirlwind 1 hour trick or treating session in which they tried to hurry. It was frustrating. AFter they were done, Chris decided that we would stay home and watch movies instead. Well, Chris and I watched a movie, the boys sulked in their room.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Brennon's First Dance
Pictures to come. Not of the dance of course, but hopefully some of my oldest who happens to be camera shy all of a sudden. He came home today asking to go to a dance. He's in seventh grade! They really have dances already? Will he be asked to dance? Does he like girls yet??? Of course I can't really ask him any of this stuff, as I seem to be not the cool person to talk to now a days. Hopefully he'll have fun and I'll have more to write on it tomorrow.
Brennon Turns 13
Well, Brennon turned 13 on the first. We celebrated by going out to the Mariners game on the 2nd. The boys had fun, and ate well. for his birthday he got a brand new cornet, a custom made pair of shoes, and some money. I tend to think he got everything he wanted. Until..... he asked why he didn't get Halo ODST yet. *sigh*
Monkey See Monkey Do
I can't watch the boys play soccer. Really, I can't. Nobody is as good as I was brought up to be, or as good as my mom taught us to be. The coach seems to yell at the boys all the time, and do alot of scrimmaging instead of focusing on the drills that they need to do. It's aggravating. And, I don't click with the manager of one of the teams. She's a know it all and really irritating. When I go to the games (none of which have been a win yet) I read my book and say nothing.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Soccer for Three
I signed the boys up for soccer through the South Hill Soccer Club. Really pricey, but hopefully they get everything out of it and more. Brennon's first practice was last Wednesday. It was two hours long, buy the time it was done, I thought he was going to pass out, he was red in the face, but had scored 3 goals and was actually doing a pretty decent fulback. Practices are Mon, Wednesday from 5:30-7:30. Guess what?! Keagans' are Mon, Wednesday from 5:30-7:00. Fun. See what happens when I actually slow down! Aidan will also be starting, and his are on Tuesday and Thursday. Looks like it'll be fun all week!
Live a Little
So, since drill has been on a hiatus, Chris and I have been doing nothing...........really..............nothing. I've never slept in so much, watched so much tv, lounged around so much, discussed girls, skateboards, video games, ate dinner with my kids. Wow! Life is good!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Kenny Chesney Concert

Chris and I worked a Kenny Chesney concert for Staff Pro yesterday. Lots of fun, It was a long 12-1/2 hour day, though. It started by us being bag checkers for the entry. You would be amazed at how many people tried to smuggle in knives or alcohol!!! Then, Chris was moved to stage guard where he got put right up in the front of the stage blocking off the fans. There were approximately 35, 000 people in attendance. Might have been a little more. During one of the songs, Kenny actually sat on the stage and hung his leg over about 2-1/2 feet away from Chris and sang a song there. What a freaking lucky guy. Oh, where was I???? Still a cool spot, but not within reach of Kenny!

We met my dad and cousins in California to use a timeshare and to spend a couple of days in Disneyland. Mom could not go as she developed MRSA and was in the hospital until the Sunday that we got back. The kids had a good time, the timeshare was nice, and although I had a rough time in Disneyland, the kids enjoyed the rides and the cool swimming pool made up for the heat. Here are some pics.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bakugon - God Bless You
Sunday Chris took the boys to a Bakugan Battle Tour. What is Bakugan you ask? It's a game of skill involving math and reading, oh and little magnetic balls and playing cards. Each ball opens up to have some special character inside. The boys were thrilled. Both Brennon and Keagan won and lost several games and Keagan ended up winning a shirt. The best part of the event..... it was FREE!!!
I can honestly say I can't stand being the source of why somebody feels like they have to call the cops. Why is it that a 19 year old girl feels like she is being the victim when she is told to stop taking or using somebody else's stuff!!! And, to have the nerve to call her mom to come help her because she is being threatened! Then, to have the audacity to interrupt a lesson, scare a 9 year old girl, and tell off me and my lesson student's mom?!!!! Ugh, Some people!
4th of July 2009
We had the best 4th of July. We went over our friend Robin and Dan's house, where they served an amazing dinner of steaks, corn, potato salad, strawberry shortcake, etc... Then, they showed us the trailer full of fireworks. I swear they had like 90 mortars, and a vast array of other fireworks sure to please the most finicky of people. The boys felt like stars as they were allowed to 'hang' out with the adults lighting the fireworks and participated in setting off the 'big' ones. I think Keagan had enough by the end of the night. He had to dodge exploding mortars several times as they mis-fired. Good thing that boy can run!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Chaps are Done!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Bridle-less Quad June 09
We had a competition yesterday for drill. Was a long 12 hour day. Chris and I rode in what's called Freestyle program and Short. And I rode in my Bridle-less Quad. It was our 2nd time riding together for a competition. We placed 3rd out of 16 teams. There were some mess-ups, it's complicated getting everyone coordinated without a decent practice, but overall we didn't do too bad.
The Hangover

Katie and I went to see this movie on Friday. All I can say is "WOW". We laughed so hard. I can't remember the last time I watched a movie with so much crude humor AND male nudity all rolled in one. I have to admit. It was very suspenseful as I had no idea the stupidity that one movie could contain!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
No Honey, I don't think he's hot!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Finally on Facebook
I finally broke down and created a facebook account. I guess what was holding me back was the fact that everything new seems to fade out after a year. Take My Space for example. Was really hot and heavy, I kinda did one little thing on it, and didn't check it for a year (apologize to those who tried to contact me that way). I guess just wasn't my cup of tea. However, I'm super excited to see all my friends on facebook, and hopefully talk to those that I haven't seen in a while!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Chaps Ahoy

For our drill team this year, I'm on a bridle-less quad. We decided that we would do our drill to 'The Devil goes down to Georgia' and dress up with some sort of flames. I got this notion that we should make our own set of chaps. Yes, I know, I volunteer for a lot. I started cutting everything out today and laying it out. It took all day to cut things and try to sort it in an organized fashion. I still need to get the buckles and some rivets to fix it all together, but I took a couple of 'beginning' shots.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Koda and Zena Pics

Took some pics of Koda and Zena today. Zena, who is supposedly recovering from an Abcess showed no sign of slowing as she was prancing around and being silly today! isn't she cute, I love how dark her coloring is coming in. Koda, on the other hand, was a brat, he's pretty much 16 hands, although he 'feels' much taller.

Look at the difference in height between the two. Zena is my baby, she's such a great horse, perfect 14.3 height, great temperment, just fantastic all around.
Aidan and Pee Wee Soccer
Just like his cousin Braden, Aidan is doing Pee Wee Soccer for the first time. It makes me smile a little as they're like little bumble bees all running to get a flower. Aidan wasn't quite sure what to make of it, he just ran back and forth like a little chimpanzee hooting and hollering and giving Chris and I the thumbs up sign. I finally had to yell at him to pay attention to the ball. And of course, he's the smallest on the team. Guess my boys are just lucky that way. Alot of boy in a small package.

Aidan's number 10. I would love to say he kicked that ball, but the cute little red head boy in front of him, who is going to be the next PELE was awesome, and could dribble that ball around everyone. He also seemed to have several shoe malfuctions and would lob his shoe along with the ball halfway down the court.
Sixth Grade Camp

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Washer Woes

Ever wonder what the inside of a front load washer really looks like? I know, me neither, but I didn't have a choice as a repair man was called 2 weeks ago for the 4th diagnosis on why our washer was leaking. I was sure that he was simply going to replace the unit as there is a lemon law in Washington States. But sadly, no. Instead, he pretty much replaced everything EXCEPT for the drum and the electrical front. I would have snapped more pictures, but my Pirates of the Caribean repair man look alike was giving me the evil eye.
Show N Shine Pics #2

Found a few more pics from our weekend trip to Ellensburg. The backdrop was pretty, especially the little scenic town. Found out that 60% of the buildings were real (actually relocated) and the rest were fabricated to fit.

Here's some of the groups bigger horse trailers in front of the barn where the horses were kept.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Show and Shine Results 2009
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