Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sixth Grade Camp

Much to my husbands dismay, we sent Brennon to sixth grade camp last week at camp arnold. Brennon has been struggling in school this year, and we really debated about allowing him to attend. We finally relented as this will be the last year for any camp, they're shutting down the trip due to funds. What I did not know, is that Brennon took MY camera, not his but got a few good shots. The above shot is the cabin that they stayed at.

A picture of the challenge course sign. Evidently they got to do rowing, archery, zip lining, hiking, etc...

One of the balance boards that they had to do as a team. They also had to do this weird team building excersize where they all held hands and then had to unwind themselves into a circle.

Brennon with one of his favorite things from the trip. He loved doing archery, said the camp person said he was quite good at it.

A rare pic of a smiling Brennon. Don't know what it is with Preteens, but they hardly ever find anything to be happy about! LOL!

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