Thursday, February 18, 2010

Really Two Months???/

I know, what can I possibly have been doing instead of updating my blog religiously??? You're right, I've been slacking, I joined 5 soccer teams that play 3 times a week, and have been trying my hand at Zumba, or I should say trying my leg, because at the end of January, I tore a calf muscle. What's that feel like? Well, let's see when you go to step and all the muscle tissue, fat, and just weight of your bone moves down that leg it hurts....painfully. However, after just a week and a half I was right back at Zumba, and light soccer. Oh, and of course horseback riding. However, a week and a half ago, while playing a soccer game on a Sunday, I tore the other calf muscle, the right one this time. *sigh* So, I was back to watching my hubby play games, no zumba, and totally being bored out of my mind. At least with this one, I could walk, but it sure is plainful to run. I did try to play on it this past Tuesday, and almost made it the whole 40 minutes without feeling like I was a beginner, but in the last 5 minutes I felt the pain, again. Ugh so frustrating.

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