At least in the beginning, the trails were pretty wide. We ended up going out with about a group of 8 at the start. 4 of them which were mules. They were pretty neat to ride with and they had really fast walking gaits. Here's Megan cheesing it on the trail with Arizona.
The view was really spectacular. You could see the crest and ridge of the mountain at every turn. Some of the slopes were pretty steep on the side.
Here's a pic of Bill and his mule Zelda taking in the sights.
Another mule named Gus. He's such a sweetie, although his owner said the name was short for 'disgusting'.
Zena had quite the fun at the basin, although she looked for me constantly (I think she wanted a snack!) Here she is in one of her "Are you coming to get me" poses. Overall the ride was fun, the back country horsemen were a hoot to hang out with, but the ride was definitely not for the beginner. I hope to go on it again sometime in the future.
Trish you have got the bravest little horse ever! What a trooper to do all that and not complain. :) What a great mare you have, this is why we love them so!
Isn't she awesome!!! haha. I tell you, you and Posie are invited anytime! We're going out for a campout this weekend!!!
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