Thursday, March 20, 2008

Colic Scare

For those not familiar with the term, colic is a fancy name for stomach ache in horses. And yesterday when I went to go teach my lessons a horse at the barn (her name is Fancy!) was suffering from it. Colic has many symptoms, laziness, droopy eye, gas, not eating, not pooping, bloated belly, and laying down and rolling. If a horse is in so much pain that he rolls or is constantly down on his side, it's not a good thing. Also a horse with colic can turn from 'okay' to 'fatal' in a span of 5 minutes. As I sat there holding the horses head with a rope that was wrapped around my buttocks (to support the weight of the head) I had so many horrible senarios running through my mind. I did not want to tell the 5 year old owner of this horse that her beloved Fancy might die. I also did not want to see the horse die. After 1-1/2 hours and a mouthful of banamine, Fancy finally shook herself up, walked around, and made one more day at the barn a memory.


Katie said...

you've definitely got heart.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, that is so scary! We had one of ours with sand colic at the barn a few months back. Then of course my girl has been providing the horrid scares, first with seizures and then trying to break her leg in the fence. Seriously scary stuff. Glad you were able to help Fancy!