Thursday, March 27, 2008

Surgical Assistant

I think this is my week. Seriously. In one week, we've had 2 colic scares, and 1 that required stitches. One of the older horses named Bud backed himself into a little itty bitty piece of sheet metal and sliced his back flank open. He cut a swatch about 6 inches long and 2 inches deep. Sliced right through the muscle. Ironically there was hardly any blood at all. It wasn't until the vet shaved the area (he's a hairy guy!) That we actually saw how bad the slice was. It took 5 of us (including the vet) to hold the guy still so she could resew the muscle and sew the flap closed. She did leave a handy, dandy little piece of rubber tubing in though so it could drain properly! *yuck!*

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